Robotic surgical education: a systematic review of strategies trainees and attendings can utilize to optimize skill development
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Key findings
• While there have been many studies on how to educate trainees to perform robotic surgery, many of these are low quality.
• Virtual reality simulation is a critical part of robotic curriculums, with researchers finding that teacher presence aids in performance gains from simulation.
• Robotic platforms include automated data that can aid in providing trainees feedback (e.g., active control time), however more nuanced assessments completed by experts, co-trainees, or crowdsourced provide additional information.
What is known and what is new?
• Consistent with previous reviews, we identified many studies that speak to the benefit of simulation in learning robotic surgery and the need for didactics and simulation as part of robotic curriculum.
• This review is more novel in its identification of ways to expand trainee skill development during simulation and ways to evaluate performance with both expert completed forms as well as peer completed forms, crowdsourced forms, or automated data.
What is the implication, and what should change now?
• While robotic surgery simulation is general useful, trainees learn more when these sessions are further developed with either didactics or direct feedback from an expert. Given this, robotic surgery educators should consider ways to further prepare trainees for procedure specific simulations and enable feedback for simulations even if they are virtual reality skill focused drills.
• Many robotic surgery curricula focus on skill acquisition without having a formal assessment portion. Given the large number of assessment tools that can be used by expert surgeons, co-trainees, or digitally crowdsourced, surgical educators should move to implement formal skill assessment into training.
Robotic-assisted surgery has rapidly expanded across surgical specialties and procedures over the past two decades. Early adopters were primarily urology and gynecology (1-4), which is reflected in the research of how best to teach robotic surgery. Now, however, robotic surgery has spread to every other specialty in the abdomen and thorax including even pancreaticoduodenectomies within surgical oncology (5-8) and mitral valve replacement and internal mammary artery harvesting within cardiac surgery (9,10).
Over time, approaches to teaching robotic surgery have evolved. While the initial robotic surgeons needed to develop proficiency in robotic operations at the same time as educating their trainees, there has since been a growth in research on how to train residents and fellows in robotic surgery efficiently and safely. While some of this information has been synthesized into specialty specific reviews (11-17) or reviews focused on an individual modality (e.g., virtual reality simulation) (18,19), an interdisciplinary review that covers all aspects of training is lacking. This is needed as surgeons are continuing to develop strategies for optimal surgical education given the completing modalities that modern trainees must learn. Given this, we sought to review how best to train surgical residents and fellows how to perform robotic surgery in the thorax, abdomen and pelvis, focusing on curriculum development, types of simulation, and assessments. This systematic review on robotic surgery education was done in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) reporting checklist (available at (20).
Search strategy
A search was performed on PubMed and Embase from 2015 to August 2024 on all relevant studies using the following keywords: (robot, robotic or Da Vinci) and (surgery or surgical) and (education or training) and (resident or residents or fellows or trainees). The search results were imported into Covidence for initial screening. Two reviewers screened all titles and abstracts based on inclusion and exclusion criteria described below. Whenever disagreement occurred, reviewers (W.M.O., L.D.J., V.P., C.H.) met and came to consensus. Any articles that were not excluded after this review had their full text assessed. The references of included articles were then reviewed to identify additional articles that met inclusion criteria (Figure 1).

Study inclusion
All study designs were included from any setting if published during 2015 to August 2024 and if they met our inclusion criteria developed using the Problem, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome and Study design (PICOS) framework.
The study population of interest was surgical trainees being taught robotic surgery in the thorax, abdomen and pelvis. While the focus was on residents and fellows, studies comparing novices to experts or including students were also included. However, studies focusing on training current attendings or other operating room staff such as scrub techs were excluded. Additionally, if the study focused on teaching robotic surgery outside of the thorax, abdomen, or pelvis (e.g., orthopedics), these were excluded as were studies focused exclusively on other modalities such as endoscopy.
The interventions of interest were strategies for robotic skill development and assessment. Specifically, methods of teaching robotic surgery either through curriculum structure, simulation, or events were included. For simulation this includes the creation of virtual reality, wet lab and dry lab simulated exercises. Additionally, articles that evaluated a method of assessing robotic skill were included.
The outcomes of interest were measures of trainee performance of robotic surgery such as Global Evaluative Assessment of Robotic Skills (GEARS) score, time to complete a simulation, number of errors. For curriculum focused papers, the individual components of the curriculum were the outcomes of interest. Studies that focused only on changes in case volumes, costs, attending learning curves, or clinical outcomes, were excluded.
Study designs could be randomized control trials, retrospective or prospective studies. Perspectives without data, conference abstracts and studies for which full text was unavailable or not available in English were excluded. Review articles were excluded after citations were reviewed to identify additional articles that met inclusion criteria.
Study quality assessment
The Cochrane’s Risk of Bias 2 (RoB2) (21) and the Risk of Bias in Non-Randomized Studies of Interventions (ROBINS-I) (22) tools were used to assess the quality of included randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and nonrandomized studies, respectively. Additionally, the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) for Qualitative Studies was employed for the assessment of qualitative studies (23), and the National Institute of Health Studies quality assessment tool was used for evaluating cross-sectional studies (24). The quality assessment of individual studies was assessed by two authors (V.P. and C.H.).
Data extraction and analysis
Data was compiled into a structured form that included the following basic parameters for each study: citation, first author last name, year published, geographic location of study, study period, specialty, trainee category and sample size, and educational focus. Further, details relevant for curriculum, simulation and assessment were also aggregated and shared in supplemental files. For studies that described or evaluated a curriculum, the components incorporated into the curriculum were noted, specifically the use of didactics, virtual reality simulation, dry or wet labs, bedside assisting and case volume requirement were recorded. For virtual reality simulations, dry labs and wet labs, the focus of the simulation (e.g., skill or procedure) and materials used (e.g., simulator platform, type of tissue) were recorded. Additionally, a qualitative summary of findings was recorded for each study. For assessments, the name of the assessment tool and level of automation were compiled then a qualitative summary of findings were recorded.
Descriptive statistics were used to describe the frequency of surgical specialty, curriculum components, simulation types, simulation focus, wet lab material type, and the types of assessment using Excel v16.891 (Redmond, WA, USA).
A total of 2,493 potential studies were initially identified via the search strategy outlined above (Figure 1). After removing duplicates and screening titles and abstracts, full texts were sought for the remaining 512 articles. After review, an additional 335 studies were excluded and a total of 188 articles were included in the review. Table 1 shows the baseline characteristics of the included studies. The vast majority of studies came from the US (n=136), and the most common specialty was urology (n=56) followed by studies with multiple specialties (n=36) (Figure 2). The majority of articles discussed types of simulation (n=110) with 59 focused on virtual reality simulation, 50 on dry labs, 30 on wet labs, and 9 on training events such as so-called “boot camps”. Skills assessment was discussed in 81 of the articles and curriculums to teach robotic surgery was covered in 33 articles. Overall, most studies were classified as low quality with a high risk of bias. Observational studies, which made up the majority of the included papers, exhibited significant issues, particularly related to inadequate adjustment for confounders and the use of unvalidated measurement tools, such as novel surveys. In contrast, most RCTs, qualitative studies, and cross-sectional studies demonstrated reasonable study quality overall.
Table 1
Author | Country | Study period | Study design | Specialty | Quality assessment | Trainee level & sample size | Educational focus |
Abreu et al., 2023 (25) | US | 2020–2021 | Retrospective cohort | General surgery | Low | 21 residents | Virtual reality |
Abreu et al., 2024 (26) | US | 2020–2023 | Retrospective cohort | General surgery | Low | 27 residents | Virtual reality & skills assessment |
Aghazadeh et al., 2015 (27) | US | – | Observational | Urology | Moderate | 23 residents and 2 fellows | Wet lab & skills assessment |
Aghazadeh et al., 2016 (28) | US | – | Observational | Urology | Moderate | 17 residents | Virtual reality |
Ahmad et al., 2021a (29) | US | 2014–2018 | Observational | Multiple | Low | 46 fellows | Virtual reality |
Ahmad et al., 2021b (5) | US | 2016–2018 | Observational | Surgical oncology | Moderate | 15 fellows | Virtual reality |
Almarzouq et al., 2020 (30) | Global | 2015–2019 | RCT | Urology | Low | 14 residents | Virtual reality & skills assessment |
Altok et al., 2018 (31) | US | 2006–2016 | Observational | Urology | Low | 51 residents & 43 fellows | Skills assessment |
Anand et al., 2024 (32) | US | 2023 | Mixed methods | Multiple | High | 13 residents and 5 fellows | Skills assessment |
Araujo & Pêgo-Fernandes, 2023 (33) | Brazil | – | Descriptive | Multiple | High | – | Curriculum |
Baimas-George et al., 2021 (34) | US | 2021 | Descriptive | Hepatobiliary | High | – | Curriculum |
Baldea et al., 2017 (35) | US | – | Cohort study | Urology | Moderate | 10 residents | Skills assessment |
Ballas et al., 2019 (36) | US | – | Observational | Gynecology | Low | 21 residents & attendings | Curriculum |
Ballesta Martinez et al., 2023 (37) | Global | – | Observational | Urology | Low | 6 residents & fellows | Dry lab |
Bendre et al., 2020 (38) | US | – | Observational | Urology | Moderate | 8 residents | Dry lab |
Berges et al., 2022 (39) | US | 2013 | Observational | Gynecology | Low | 19 residents & 2 fellows | Virtual reality & skills assessment |
Bertolo et al., 2018 (40) | US | – | Observational | Urology | Low | 22 residents | Wet lab |
Beulens et al., 2019 (41) | Netherlands | 2017 | Observational | Multiple | Low | 20 residents & fellows | Virtual reality |
Beulens et al., 2021 (42) | Netherlands | 2020 | RCT | Urology | Low | 49 medical students & 5 residents | Virtual reality |
Beulens et al., 2021 (43) | Europe | 2017–2020 | Observational | Urology | Moderate | 56 residents | Event |
Bjerrum et al., 2023 (44) | Global | 2021–2022 | Observational | Multiple | Low | 13 medical students, residents & surgeons | Virtual reality |
Boitano et al., 2021 (45) | US | 2015–2017 | Observational | Gynecology | Low | 44 fellows | Dry lab & wet lab |
Brown et al., 2017 (46) | US | – | RCT | Multiple | Low | 26 residents | Virtual reality |
Brown et al., 2020 (47) | US | – | Observational | Multiple | Moderate | Trainee to expert surgeon | Skills assessment |
Brown & Kuchenbecker, 2023 (48) | US | – | RCT | – | Moderate | 29 medical students & residents | Skills assessment |
Cacciatore et al., 2023 (49) | Italy | 2022 | Observational | Multiple | Moderate | 44 residents | Virtual reality |
Carneiro et al., 2022 (50) | Brazil | 2016–2017 | RCT | Urology | Low | 36 residents | Virtual reality |
Carter et al., 2015 (51) | US | – | RCT | Multiple | Moderate | 53 residents | Skills assessment |
Cerfolio & Ferrari-Light, 2019 (52) | US | – | Descriptive | Cardiothoracic | High | – | Other |
Chen et al., 2021 (53) | US | 2016–2017 | Observational | Urology | Moderate | 17 residents, fellows & attendings | Skills assessment |
Chen et al., 2023 (54) | US | – | Crossover | Gynecology | Moderate | 19 residents & 2 fellows | Virtual reality |
Chen et al., 2023 (55) | China | – | Observational | – | Moderate | 20 residents | Skill assessment |
Chow et al., 2021 (56) | US | 2017–2018 | Observational | Urology | Moderate | 12 residents | Wet lab |
Chowriappa et al., 2015 (57) | US | – | RCT | Urology | Low | 22 residents & 40 fellows | Virtual reality, dry lab & skills assessment |
Clanahan et al., 2023 (58) | US | 2020–2021 | Case series | MIS | Moderate | 18 residents & fellows | Skills assessment |
Clanahan et al., 2024 (59) | US | 2021–2022 | Observational | Colorectal | Moderate | 30 residents | Wet lab & skill assessment |
Clanahan et al., 2024 (60) | US | 2020–2021 | Crossover | MIS | Moderate | 14 residents | Other |
Cope et al., 2022 (61) | US | – | Observational | Gynecology | Moderate | 10 residents | Virtual reality |
Cowan et al., 2021 (62) | US | – | Observational | Urology | Moderate | 11 fellows & residents | Virtual reality, dry lab & skill assessment |
Croghan et al., 2024 (63) | Ireland | – | Observational | Urology | Low | 8 residents | Wet lab |
Davidson et al., 2023 (64) | US | 2020–2021 | Observational | Abdominal transplant | Moderate | 2 fellows | Skill assessment |
De Groote et al., 2022 (65) | Global | – | RCT | Urology | Low | 36 residents | Other |
De Groote et al., 2023 (66) | Global | – | RCT | Urology | Moderate | 36 residents | Skill assessment |
Dickinson et al., 2022 (67) | US | 2021 | Observational | Multiple | Low | 46 residents | Virtual reality & dry lab |
Dioun et al., 2017 (68) | US | – | Observational | Gynecology | Moderate | 12 fellows | Virtual reality |
Dubin et al., 2018 (69) | US | – | RCT | Multiple | Low | 65 surgical trainees & attending surgeons | Skill assessment |
Gerull et al., 2020 (70) | US | 2019 | Observational | Multiple | Low | 31 residents | Curriculum & skill assessment |
Gerull et al., 2024 (71) | US | 2022–2023 | Retrospective cohort | General surgery | Low | 8 residents and 1 fellow | Skill assessment |
Gheza et al., 2023 (72) | US | – | RCT | Gynecology | Moderate | 20 residents | Wet lab & virtual reality |
Gleason et al., 2022 (73) | US | 2020–2021 | Observational | Multiple | Low | 23 residents & fellows | Virtual reality |
Goh et al., 2015 (74) | US | 2011–2013 | Observational | Multiple | Moderate | 51 residents, fellows & attending surgeons | Dry lab |
Gomez et al., 2015 (75) | US | 2015 | Observational | General surgery | Moderate | 18 residents | Virtual reality |
Gonçalves et al., 2024 (76) | Portugal | 2023 | Observational | General surgery | Low | 25 residents & fellows | Dry lab |
Grannan et al., 2021 (77) | US | 2016–2019 | Observational | General surgery | Low | 43 residents | Curriculum |
Green et al., 2019 (78) | US | 2017 | Qualitative | Multiple | Low | 24 attendings | Other |
Green et al., 2019 (79) | US | 2016 | Observational | General surgery | Low | 9 residents | Dry lab |
Green et al., 2020 (80) | US | 2017 | Qualitative | Multiple | High | 6 residents | Other |
Green et al., 2021 (81) | US | 2021 | Descriptive | General surgery | High | – | Curriculum |
Guni et al., 2018 (82) | England | – | Observational | Urology | Low | 39 novices | Skills assessment |
Gurung et al., 2020 (83) | US | – | Observational | Urology | Low | 19 students | Virtual reality |
Han et al., 2023 (84) | US | 2021 | Observational | General surgery | Low | 12 residents | Virtual reality |
Haque et al., 2024 (85) | US | – | Observational | Urology | Low | 8 medical students & 15 residents | Skills assessment |
Hertz et al., 2018 (86) | US | – | Observational | Multiple | Low | 10 residents & 2 attending surgeons | Virtual reality |
Hoffman et al., 2020 (87) | US | – | Observational | Multiple | Low | 32 residents and fellows | Wet lab |
Hogg et al., 2017 (6) | US | 2013 | Observational | Surgical oncology | Low | 17 fellows | Virtual reality |
Holst et al., 2015 (88) | US | – | Observational | Urology | Low | 3 residents | Skills assessment |
Hoogenes et al., 2018 (89) | Canada | – | RCT | Multiple | Low | 10 medical students & 16 residents | Curriculum |
Hung et al., 2017 (90) | US | 2015 | Observational | Urology | Low | 21 residents & fellows | Skills assessment |
Iqbal et al., 2017 (91) | US | 2016 | Observational | General surgery | Low | 12 residents | Wet lab |
Iqbal et al., 2022 (92) | US | 2018–2020 | Observational | Urology | Low | 10 attending surgeons | Skills assessment |
Jackson et al., 2020 (93) | US | – | Observational | – | Low | – | Other |
Jacob et al., 2023 (94) | Australia | – | Observational | MIS | Low | 2 attending surgeons | Wet lab |
Jarc et al., 2016 (95) | US | – | Observational | – | Low | 26 trainees | Other |
Jarc et al., 2017 (96) | US | – | Observational | Multiple | Moderate | 7 residents | Wet lab & skills assessment |
Jiang et al., 2017 (97) | China | – | Observational | MIS | Low | 8 novices | Skills assessment |
Jogerst et al., 2023 (98) | US | 2019–2020 | Qualitative | Multiple | Low | 34 surgeons | Other |
Johnson et al., 2019 (99) | US | – | Observational | Urology | Low | 13 residents & 4 fellows | Dry lab |
Jones et al., 2023 (100) | US | 2019–2022 | Prospective cohort | Cardiothoracic | Low | 6 residents & 9 fellows | Other |
Khan et al., 2019 (101) | US | – | Retrospective cohort | Urology | Low | 6 trainees | Skills assessment |
Kiely et al., 2015 (102) | Canada | – | Observational | Gynecology | Moderate | 2 fellows | Dry lab |
Kiely et al., 2015 (103) | Canada | 2013 | RCT | Multiple | Low | 23 residents | Virtual reality |
Kim et al., 2015 (104) | Korea | – | Observational | Urology | Low | 8 residents & 3 fellows | Virtual reality |
Kim et al., 2022 (105) | US | 2020 | Observational | Cardiothoracic | Low | 24 residents | Other |
Kim et al., 2023 (106) | US | 2021–2023 | Observational | Multiple | High | 25 medical students & residents | Virtual reality |
Ko et al., 2018 (107) | South Korea | – | Observational | Urology | Low | 30 medical students | Curriculum |
Krause & Bird, 2019 (108) | US | 2016–2017 | Observational | General surgery | Low | 14 residents | Curriculum |
Kun et al., 2019 (109) | China | RCT | Urology | Moderate | 50 residents | Virtual reality | |
Laca et al., 2022 (110) | US | – | RCT | – | Moderate | 45 medical students | Other & skills assessment |
Laverty et al., 2023 (111) | US | – | Observational | General surgery | Moderate | 31 medical students & residents | Dry lab |
Lazar et al., 2023 (112) | US | 2019 | Observational | Cardiothoracic | Low | 42 residents | Skills assessment |
Lee & Lee, 2018 (113) | US | – | RCT | – | Low | 32 residents | Virtual reality |
Lee et al., 2019 (114) | South Korea | – | RCT | – | Low | 64 medical students | Virtual reality |
Lee et al., 2022 (115) | US | – | Observational | General surgery | Low | Medical students & residents | Dry lab |
Lee et al., 2024 (116) | Korea | – | Longitudinal | Surgical oncology | Low | 3 fellows | Dry lab |
Leon et al., 2022 (117) | US | 2019–2021 | Prospective cohort | Gynecology | Low | 3 fellows | Other |
Liang et al., 2018 (118) | China | – | Observational | – | Moderate | 10 residents & 10 students | Skills assessment |
Liu et al., 2017 (119) | US | – | Observational | Multiple | Low | 15 novice & expert surgeons | Skills assessment |
Liu et al., 2023 (120) | US | 2018–2020 | RCT | General surgery | Low | 13 residents | Other |
Lovegrove et al., 2016 (121) | Global | 2013–2014 | Observational | Urology | Moderate | 15 trainees | Skills assessment |
Lovegrove et al., 2017 (122) | Global | – | Observational | Urology | Low | 15 fellows | Other |
Lyman et al., 2021 (123) | US | 2017 | Observational | Hepatobiliary | Low | 2 fellows | Skills assessment |
Ma et al., 2024 (124) | US | – | RCT | – | Low | 42 students | Skills assessment |
Madion et al., 2022 (125) | US | 2019 | Observational | General surgery | Moderate | 107 Program directors | Curriculum |
Margueritte et al., 2020 (126) | France | 2015–2019 | Observational | Gynecology | Low | 34 novices | Virtual reality |
Mariani et al., 2021 (127) | Italy | – | Cross-sectional | General surgery | Low | 12 surgical & 12 medical residents | Virtual reality |
Mark Knab et al., 2018 (7) | US | 2013–2017 | Observational | Surgical oncology | Moderate | 30 fellows | Curriculum |
Melich et al., 2018 (128) | US | – | Observational | Colorectal | Low | 19 residents | Dry lab |
Melnyk et al., 2021 (129) | US | – | RCT | – | Moderate | 18 medical students | Virtual reality |
Merriman et al., 2023 (130) | US | 2018–2019 | Observational | Gynecology | Low | 24 residents | Curriculum |
Moit et al., 2019 (131) | US | 2017 | Observational | General surgery | Low | 18 residents | Curriculum |
Monda et al., 2018 (132) | US | – | Observational | Urology | Low | 4 medical students, 14 residents, 3 fellows | Dry lab |
Moran et al., 2022 (133) | US | 2020 | Observational | Urology | Moderate | 15 residents | Virtual reality |
Mouraviev et al., 2016 (134) | US | 2015 | Observational | Urology | Low | 21 residents | Event |
Nakamoto et al., 2023 (135) | US | – | Mixed methods | General surgery | High | 15 residents | Virtual reality |
Nathan et al., 2023 (136) | England | 2021 | RCT | – | Moderate | 11 surgical trainees | Curriculum & skills assessment |
Newcomb et al., 2018 (137) | US | – | Observational | Multiple | Low | 19 residents & 7 fellows | Virtual reality & dry lab |
Oh et al., 2023 (138) | US | – | Observational | Cardiothoracic | Low | 50 residents | Wet lab & skills assessment |
Olsen et al., 2023 (139) | Denmark | – | Observational | Urology | Low | 5 residents, 5 experienced surgeons & 5 experienced robotic surgeons | Skills assessment |
Olsen et al., 2024 (140) | Denmark | – | Observational | Urology | Moderate | 10 novices & 6 expert surgeons | Skills assessment |
Olsen et al., 2024 (141) | Denmark | – | Observational | Urology | Moderate | 11 novices | Virtual reality & skills assessment |
Oquendo et al., 2024 (142) | US | – | RCT | – | High | 40 novices | Virtual reality |
Papalois et al., 2022 (143) | England | – | Observational | Urology | Moderate | 15 surgical trainees | Curriculum |
Patel et al., 2022 (144) | US | 2021 | Observational | – | Moderate | 2 medical students & 4 residents | Virtual reality |
Perry et al., 2023 (145) | US | 2022 | Cross-sectional | General surgery | High | 37 residents | Other |
Phé et al., 2017 (146) | France | – | Observational | Urology | Low | 14 medical students & residents | Curriculum |
Polin et al., 2016 (147) | US | – | Observational | Gynecology | Moderate | 1 novice & 1 expert surgeon | Skills assessment |
Porterfield et al., 2024 (148) | US | – | Observational | MIS | Low | 8 attending surgeons | Curriculum |
Powers et al., 2016 (149) | US | – | Observational | Urology | Low | 5 residents & attendings | Skills assessment |
Premyodhin et al., 2018 (10) | US | – | Observational | Cardiothoracic | Low | 1 fellow | Dry lab |
Puliatti et al., 2021 (150) | Europe | – | Observational | Urology | Moderate | 9 novices | Skills assessment |
Puliatti et al., 2022 (151) | Belgium | 2020 | RCT | Urology | Low | 48 students | Curriculum |
Quinn et al., 2023 (152) | US | – | Observational | MIS | Moderate | – | Skills assessment |
Raad et al., 2018 (153) | US | – | Observational | Cardiothoracic | Moderate | – | Curriculum |
Radi et al., 2022 (154) | US | 2019–2021 | Observational | General surgery | Moderate | 41 residents | Curriculum |
Rahimi et al., 2023 (155) | Germany & Netherlands | – | Observational | – | Low | 20 novices, 20 intermediate & 20 expert surgeons | Skills assessment |
Raison et al., 2021 (156) | Denmark | – | Observational | Multiple | Moderate | 124 residents to attending surgeons | Wet lab |
Ramirez Barriga et al., 2022 (157) | US | – | Observational | General surgery | Low | PGY3s | Curriculum |
Rusch et al., 2018 (158) | Europe | – | Observational | Gynecology | Moderate | 4 fellows | Curriculum |
S Schmiederer et al., 2021 (159) | US | 2020 | Qualitative | Multiple | Low | 15 residents & 6 fellows | Other |
Sanford et al., 2022 (160) | US | 2016–2019 | Observational | Urology | Moderate | 6 trainees | Virtual reality |
Satava et al., 2020 (161) | Global | 2015–2016 | RCT | Multiple | High | 123 novices | Curriculum |
Schlottmann & Patti, 2017 (162) | US | – | Observational | General surgery | Moderate | 10 residents | Dry lab |
Schlottmann et al., 2019 (163) | US | – | Observational | General surgery | Low | 20 residents | Dry lab |
Schneyer et al., 2024 (164) | US | – | Observational | Gynecology | Low | 12 residents | Dry lab |
Schommer et al., 2017 (165) | US | 2012–2015 | Observational | Urology | Low | 38 residents | Wet lab |
Scott et al., 2020 (166) | US | 2017–2018 | Observational | Multiple | Low | 11 residents | Virtual reality |
Scott et al., 2023 (167) | US | 2020–2021 | Observational | Urology | Low | 3 residents & 1 fellow | Dry lab |
Shafiei et al., 2023 (168) | US | – | Observational | Multiple | Low | 2 residents & 4 fellows | Skills assessment |
Shafiei et al., 2024 (169) | US | – | Observational | Urology | Moderate | 11 students, 3 residents, 4 fellows, and 5 surgeons | Skills assessment |
Shaw et al., 2022 (170) | US | – | Cross-sectional | General surgery | Moderate | 80 residents | Curriculum |
Shee et al., 2020 (171) | US | – | Observational | Urology | Moderate | 10 residents | Dry lab |
Siddiqui et al., 2016 (172) | US | 2012 | Observational | Multiple | Low | 34 residents | Skills assessment |
Simmonds et al., 2021 (173) | US | 2017–2020 | Observational | Multiple | Low | 77 novices | Skills assessment |
Soangra et al., 2022 (174) | US | – | Observational | Urology | Low | 23 medical students, residents & fellows | Skills assessment |
Stewart et al., 2023 (175) | US | 2023 | Observational | General surgery | Moderate | 7 programs | Curriculum |
Tam et al., 2017 (8) | US | 2014–2015 | Observational | Surgical oncology | Low | 14 fellows | Curriculum |
Tarr et al., 2022 (176) | US | 2018 | Observational | Gynecology | Low | 17 fellows | Dry lab |
Tellez et al., 2024 (177) | US | – | Observational | General surgery | Low | 42 residents | Curriculum |
Thomaschewski et al., 2024 (178) | Germany | – | Observational | General surgery | Moderate | 7 residents | Curriculum |
Tillou et al., 2016 (179) | France | – | Observational | Urology | Low | 22 residents | Virtual reality |
Timberlake et al., 2020 (180) | US | – | Observational | Urology | Low | 14 residents & 6 fellows | Dry lab |
Tom et al., 2019 (181) | US | 2017–2018 | Observational | General surgery | Moderate | 114 residency programs | Curriculum |
Towner et al., 2019 (182) | US | – | Observational | Gynecology | Low | 8 residents | Dry lab |
Turbati et al., 2023 (183) | US | – | Observational | General surgery | Moderate | 6 medical students & 6 residents | Virtual reality |
Turner et al., 2020 (184) | US | 2017 | Cross-sectional | Multiple | Moderate | 25 fellows | Other |
Turner & Kim, 2021 (185) | US | – | Observational | Gynecology | Low | 32 residents | Virtual reality |
Unruh et al., 2023 (186) | US | 2017–2021 | Observational | General surgery | Low | 25 residents | Curriculum |
Valdis et al., 2015 (9) | Canada | – | RCT | Cardiothoracic | Low | 20 residents | Virtual reality |
Valdis et al., 2016 (187) | Canada | – | RCT | Cardiothoracic | Moderate | 40 residents | Wet lab, dry lab, and virtual reality |
Vanstrum et al., 2021 (188) | Global | – | Observational | Multiple | Low | 3 medical students and 7 surgeons | Skills assessment |
Van’t Hullenaar et al., 2018 (189) | US | – | RCT | – | Moderate | 26 residents | Other |
Vetter et al., 2018 (190) | US | 2015–2016 | Cross-sectional | Gynecology | High | 177 residents | Curriculum |
Volpe et al., 2015 (191) | Europe | – | Observational | Urology | Low | 10 fellows | Curriculum |
von Bechtolsheim et al., 2024 (192) | Germany | – | RCT | – | Low | 87 robotic novices | Virtual reality and dry lab |
von Rundstedt et al., 2018 (193) | Global | – | Observational | Urology | Low | 11 residents, 4 fellows, and 4 attendings | Wet lab & skills assessment |
Walker et al., 2017 (194) | US | – | Observational | Multiple | High | 7 residents & 1 fellow | Dry lab |
Wang et al., 2021 (195) | US | 2019 | Observational | MIS | Moderate | 12 residents | Skills assessment |
Wang et al., 2023 (196) | US | 2020–2021 | Observational | MIS | Low | 8 residents | Skills assessment |
Whittaker et al., 2016 (197) | Europe | – | Observational | Urology | Moderate | 20 novices, 15 intermediate, and 11 robotic surgeons | Virtual reality |
Whittaker et al., 2019 (198) | England | 2018 | Observational | Cardiothoracic | Low | 16 novices, 9 intermediate, and 5 expert surgeons | Virtual reality |
White et al., 2015 (199) | US | – | Observational | Multiple | Low | 10 residents & fellows | Skills assessment |
Wiener et al., 2015 (200) | US | 2012–2014 | Observational | Urology | Low | 16 residents | Virtual reality |
Wile et al., 2023 (201) | US | – | RCT | – | Low | 29 medical students | Dry lab |
Winder et al., 2016 (202) | US | 2014–2015 | Observational | General surgery | Low | 20 residents | Curriculum |
Witthaus et al., 2020 (203) | US | – | Observational | Urology | Moderate | 9 residents | Dry lab |
Wong et al., 2023 (204) | US | 2022 | Qualitative | Urology | Low | 5 residents & 6 fellows | Skills assessment |
Zia & Essa, 2018 (205) | US | – | Observational | MIS | Low | 3 novices, 2 intermediate and 3 expert surgeons | Skills assessment |
Zhao et al., 2020 (206) | US | – | Qualitative | General surgery | High | 20 residents | Other |
RCT, randomized controlled trial; MIS, minimally invasive surgery; PGY3s, postgraduate year 3 trainees.

Surveys of general surgery programs directors, such as that conducted by Tom et al., found that while 92% of the programs (105/114) reported that their residents participate in robotic surgeries, only 67% had implemented a formal robotic surgery training curriculum as of 2019 (125,181). In total, we identified 33 papers that focused on robotic curricula for training surgical residents and fellows (Table S1). While some older recommendations focused on learning in the operating room: first through observation, then bedside assistance, then working on the console; contemporary recommendations are more nuanced and utilize multimodality teaching by combining didactics, simulations, and operating room experiences. Some researchers shared in detail the analysis that went into their curriculum development (34,81). Baimas-George et al. explained their hepato-pancreato-biliary (HPB) fellowship curriculum development matrix and fully outlined their learning activities and assessment tools (34). However, Green et al. was the only study to explicitly use Kern’s 6-step model of curriculum development. They used a systematic process of design, implementation, and assessment of the general surgery robotic curriculum at University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) (81). One of Kern’s key steps missing from many curriculums was evaluation and feedback, with only seven additional studies having this curricular component (13,64,70,83,136,151,191).
Regardless of the curriculum specific to each institution, Winder et al. concluded that the majority of successful curricula had the following four key components: (I) didactic education; (II) simulation training; (III) bedside assistant experience; and (IV) operative training in cases (202). This is further supported by Stewart et al., who looked at 7 general surgery programs across the US and concluded that orientation with online didactic modules, required robotic simulation, and clinical practice were all common components to formal robotic surgery curricula (175). In our review, we found 24 studies with proposed curricula that included at least 3 of of these 4 components (Figure 3) (13,33,34,77,81,108,130,131,146,148,153,154,157,158,161,170,175,178,191,202). Multiple articles also called for a need to standardize the robotic surgery training curriculum, mostly in general surgery residency training programs (70,186), obstetrics and gynecology (190), and fellowship training programs such as surgical oncology (8). However, some of these specialties already have specific proposed curricula, specifically obstetrics and gynecology, surgical oncology (7), and transplant surgery (64).
Virtual reality simulation
In this review, 110 articles studied the use of simulation as part of robotic surgery training (Table S2). This included 59 articles on virtual reality simulations, 50 on dry labs, 30 on wet labs, and 9 on robotic training events (Figure 4). Virtual reality simulators allow trainees to practice independently and were the most commonly studied simulation method. A significant number of articles focused on the face, content, and construct validity the da Vinci Skills Simulator (6,28,29,46,50,70,73,75,83,86,103,106,137,144,146,179,187,200) and the Mimic Technologies’ da Vinci trainer (29,89, 160). However, there were a number of additional virtual reality platforms studied, namely the da Vinci Research Kit (127,142), SimNow modules (25,26,62,67,154), Medtronic Hugo RAS System (49), RobotiX (141,167,197,198), the Versius trainer (44), and the Robotic-assisted Surgical Simulator (RoSS) (57). The majority of studies focused on multiple skill-based exercises (e.g., energy pedals) (29,41,44,46,49,50,67,68,70,73,75,106,113,126,127,133,135,137,144,146,154,166,183,200). Stegemann et al. curated 16 tasks to be part of a Fundamental Skills of Robotic Surgery (FSRS) virtual reality curriculum (192,207), which was then used in subsequent studies (57). However, a study by Gurung et al. found that simulation exercise order may affect skill acquisition (83). They found that having novices start with the hardest version of an exercise first (e.g., Suture Sponge 3), learners were able to more rapidly obtain proficiency. In contrast to skill-based simulations, other studies focused on virtual reality simulations of specific procedures such as hysterectomy (39,61,185) or prostatectomy (28,30,42,57,62,104,141,143,160). Proficiency in a simulation was defined as an overall score of at least 80% (52,179) or 90% (9,29,73,83,93,106) on an exercise.
Across surgical specialties as varied as urology and cardiac surgery (9), there is advocacy for the inclusion of virtual reality simulation in robotic surgery education. This is in part driven by the large number of studies which found that incorporation of simulation modules into training curriculums was associated with an improvement in practice assessment scores (5,6,25,75,106,127,154,161). Nonetheless, other researchers studied how simulation impacted performance in other modalities (9). In a randomized trial by Valdis et al., the cardiac surgery trainees randomized to complete a 9-exercise virtual reality series were faster than the control group for internal thoracic artery harvest and mitral annuloplasty with higher intraoperative scores (9). Others have looked at the role of simulation as a warm up before operating, though neither study by Chen et al., nor by Berges et al., showed a benefit (39,54).
Researchers have studied multiple approaches to optimize virtual reality simulator training, such as by incorporating didactics and feedback. Chowriappa et al. created the Hands-on Surgical Training (HoST), an augmented reality platform that combines real surgical procedures and didactic education (e.g., anatomy illustrations and audio explanations) into a virtual reality platform finding this improved trainee performance on a dry lab (57). Similarly, studies have also evaluated the role of having a teacher while using the simulator. In a study of urology residents, Lee and Lee found that residents who received feedback from an expert surgeon rather than simply reviewing their own metrics had larger improvements in performance (42,50,113,185). Other researchers have also found that incorporating a teacher to simulation use results in higher performance gains and satisfaction amongst trainees (42,50,110,113,185). Additionally, Kun et al. found that sharing recordings of simulation performance with trainees led to improved performance, thus suggesting that feedback even when not in real time increased the utility of simulation (109).
While trainees and attendings have both highlighted the importance of virtual reality simulator experience before active control time in the operating room, there is also concern that trainees are not utilizing simulation enough with one study finding that 45% of general surgery residents reported never using the simulator (145,159). Given this, gamification has been explored as a way to increase simulator use, finding increased use and performance when competing individually (135) or as a team (133). Other researchers have looked at training frequency (30,46,75,102,104,200). Wiener et al. showed that approximately 10 hours dedicated to simulation tasks should be enough to achieve proficiency in a given robotic training curriculum (200). Liu et al. studied learning decay after initially reaching proficiency, finding that those with a 3-month break nearly maintained skills while a 6-month break resulted significant worsening of performance (120).
Dry and wet lab exercises
In addition to virtual reality simulations, residents and fellows are also taught with dry and wet labs. For dry labs (Table S3), some still focused on skill acquisition through exercises like suturing on foam (48,74). However, most dry lab exercises focused on procedural models (57,76,79,85,89,99,102,111,115,116,123,124,128,132,164,167,169,171,176,180,182,194,203). The materials used for these models varied from three-dimensional (3D)-printed mitral valves (10) and renal models (132,167), to silicone models for transabdominal preperitoneal inguinal hernia repair (76) and pancreaticojejunostomy (8,116), to more accessible models like a pelvic lymphadenectomy model made from rubber tubing, wire, cotton balls, plastic wrap, and gelatin solution (102).
Wet labs were the least common given the resource intensive nature of the exercises and were often implemented as part of an event like a specialty association sponsored bootcamp (45,91,112,138,162,163,165). Models used tissues like ex vivo porcine organs (56,72,112,138,162,163), anesthetized pig models (37,96,134,165), and human cadavers (40,45,91) (Table S4). Nonetheless, a wide variety of procedures were taught via wet labs, including partial nephrectomies (56,63), hiatal hernia repair (84,163), hemicolectomy (59,91,162), lobectomy (112,138), cholecystectomy, and Heller myotomy (162). Some wet labs focused on key steps of procedures such as vesicourethral anastomosis (66,150), intestinal anastomosis (193), or vaginal cuff closure (72). Trainees reported preferring wet labs when asked to compare them to virtual reality simulation practice (40,72); however, a study that captured biometric data of cognitive mental workload found a similar increase for trainees for both a virtual reality and dry lab simulation of a vesicourethral anastomosis (62). This similarity in workload suggests that trainees are equally challenged by both simulations.
Assessment of skills
Skill assessment was studied in 81 of the included robotic surgery education articles, with approaches varying between subjective manual measures (e.g., questionnaires) or automatic objective performance indicators (e.g., console time) (Table S5). Figure 5 summarizes the types and frequency of assessment methods. For objective performance indicators, some studies focused on data that is readily available to surgeons and trainees, e.g., through Da Vinci’s Intuitive application. Specifically, active control time, the time trainees are in control of the robot, was used as a way to assess performance for several studies (58,64,71,152,195,196), with fewer using number of handoffs (64,152). Quinn et al. validated these reported measures by comparing them to those recorded by research personnel during inguinal hernia repairs (152). Others use kinematic data recorded by robotic systems to assess performance. Lazar et al. measured 20 different objective performance indicators such as idle time and wrist-angle distances, during a perfused lobectomy simulation (112). They found that trainees who experienced bleeding during the first procedural step—dividing the superior pulmonary vein—differed in metrics such as idle time, total instrument distance, and wrist articulation (112). There were some other studies that used kinematic data to evaluate performance during procedure focused dry labs (55,118), such as hepaticojejunostomy (123). Nonetheless, the majority of studies using these metrics were virtual reality simulations (25,141,173,185,194). Other objective measured included studies by Soangra et al., which linked time to complete procedure to electromyography (EMG) data to predict experience (174), Cowan et al. compared performance and biometric data of cognitive mental workload (62), and Shafiei et al. [2024] used electroencephalogram (EEG) and eye tracking data to predict performance (169).

Nonetheless, the majority of articles (64 of 81) included assessments that required input from expert surgeons, either through video review or with questionnaires at the end of cases. Goh et al. developed the GEARS assessment—a Likert scale questionnaire completed by an expert surgeon while reviewing an operative video that assesses six domains: autonomy, bimanual dexterity, depth perception, efficiency, force sensitivity, and robotic control. This assessment was used by multiple other studies (61,66,69,82,88-90,96,103,106,110,111,132,149,164,168,176,178,180,187,191,193,199,203), most of which implemented expert surgeons reviewing blinded videos. However, Brown & Kuchenbecker utilized a smart task board data collection system to automate the GEARS score for a dry lab exercise (Peg transfer) (48). They found that sharing the GEARS score did not accelerate skill acquisition but did improve self-awareness of performance (48). Multiple studies compared GEARS scores from experts to crowdsourced scores [Crowd Sourced Assessment of Technical Skill (C-SATS)], with most finding them to be consistent in their assessment of dry lab and operative cases with faster turnaround (38,88,149,199). GEARS was also used as the standard to validate the scores generated by virtual reality simulations and to compare machine learning models using EEG and eye tracking data (168).
Other subjective scoring systems have also been developed to assess robotic score: binary metric checklist (66), Robotic modification of Ottawa Surgical Competency Evaluation (RO-SCORE) (64,70,84), Robotic-Objective Structured Assessment of Technical Skills (R-OSATS) (29,54,106,114,124,136,137,147,157,172), Assessment of Robotic Console Skills (ARCS) (208), Robotic Anastomosis Competence Evaluation (RACE) (89,101,169,203), and Robotic Skills Assessment (RSA) Score; though others applied existing measures that were not robotic specific (84,85). Some studies also incorporated procedural steps into their assessment of performance (13,35,53,64,71,92,112,121,123,132,138,185), while others used procedural steps as a standalone approach to the skill assessment (31,150). Baldea et al. implemented a system for logging common robotic urology procedures in which trainees specify which steps they completed and then receive feedback from attendings in four domains: bimanual dexterity, instrument handling, time and motion, and respect for tissue, as well as qualitative comments (35). Trainees then receive monthly summaries showing which portions of cases they are performing. Two other interesting studies on feedback studied open-ended feedback. Wong et al. conducted a qualitative analysis of verbal feedback given to trainees while in active control during robotic cases and identified six types of feedback (204). Carter et al. had residents in the intervention arm of an RCT upload videos of their virtual reality simulation, and receive open-ended feedback from their peers before performing the simulation two more consecutive times (51). The peer feedback resulted in faster improvement than those without feedback.
Other training considerations
In addition to the studies of curriculums, simulation and assessment, there were a number of articles on other topics to facilitate trainee robotic skill acquisition. In multiple surveys, both trainees and attendings have reported the importance of dual consoles (78,159,170,184,206), with attendings noting it helps address the anxiety associated with fully giving trainee control of robot as well as facilitating coaching (184). The impact of dual consoles was quantified by Leon et al., who compared steps performed and active control time for cases using dual vs. single consoles finding that fellows completed more steps and operated for longer when using dual consoles (117). Others studies looked at the ability of a trainee to utilize a third arm for collaborative surgery with an attending (87). However, a study comparing dual to single console cases found that dual console cases did not result in differences in trainee autonomy or operative time nor faculty stress or coaching quality (32).
A number of studies evaluated attending teaching approaches and coaching styles (52,60,65,80,98,122). Researchers like Clanahan, Awad and Dimou found that after distributing case guides with pictures and narrated operative videos, trainee active control time increased for each trainee level (60,105). Lovegrove et al. recommend that trainees learn procedural steps in order of difficulty rather than chronological order (122). In the PROVESA multicenter RCT, De Groote et al. found that a proficiency-based progression approach led to increased trainee proficiency and fewer errors (65,66). This approach required passing e-learning modules that reviewed operative metrics, defined steps, and pointed out potential errors. Then during skills practice, two learners were responsible for recording metric-based feedback for co-learner. One study described the challenge of not being able to demonstrate steps visually because only one user can control the robot at a time, thereby making the teacher completely reliant on verbal communication to describe the desired conduct of an operation (80).
Additional factors found to improve operative experience and performance were having a dedicated bedside assistant in the operating room and educating trainees on ergonomics. Jones et al. found that a dedicated physician assistant at bedside increased the proportion of thoracic trainee active control time from 28.0% of a case to 77.1% of a case (100). Regarding ergonomics, Van’t Hullenaar et al. found that giving trainees ergonomics instructions improved ergonomics and improved efficiency of motion on clutch-oriented exercises (189).
This systematic review has highlighted the components important to a robotic surgery curriculum, the role and impact of simulation, and the ways in which robotic surgery performance can be assessed. Robotic curriculums are a combination of didactics, simulation, bed side assistance, observation of surgery, and active time on the console in the operating room. There is extensive data showing the validity of simulation, though there is still opportunity in determining how best to ensure trainees are getting this practice and the needed frequency. Further, while many use the simulation scores as a marker of proficiency or readiness for the operating room, evaluating performance in the operating room itself has diverging approaches with some researchers focusing on video review and manual assessments while others are working to develop automated assessments through data recorded by robotic systems.
As seen in our review of the literature, there is a strong push for formalization of a standardized robotic-assisted surgery curriculum (8,70,131,148,170,175,181,186,190) with support noting that it is not only important to incorporate didactics, but also including simulation training, bedside experience, as well as operating in cases (175,202). While most articles did not dive deeply into the didactic component, the proficiency-based progression highlighted by De Groote et al. defined procedural steps and highlighted potential errors with trainees being required to show proficiency before progression (65,66). These findings point to the need to educate trainees on not just the technical logistics of using the robotic platform but also procedure-specific fundamentals. However, even with technical skill development, there are ways this development can be accelerated by educators. Several studies found that trainees receiving feedback during virtual reality simulation were found to lead to faster proficiency (42,50,110,113,185). However, even if an educator is not available, if recordings are shared with trainees to review (109) or trainees are given a platform to provide each other feedback (51), these interventions have also been found to improve performance.
The need to incorporate virtual reality simulation exercises into a formal curriculum was emphasized and validated in multiple studies (5,6,25,75,106,127,154,161,179,183). While many use a score cut off of 80–90% to be considered proficient (9,29,52,73,93,106,179), it is unclear what role, if any, simulation plays after this has been achieved and learners are operating in the operating room. While studies do not show utility of warm up (39), there have been documented skill degradation if a trainee does not use their robotic skills, which may occur as early as a hiatus of 4 weeks to 3 months (120). Given this, researchers have studied ways to further emphasize this independent practice, with some finding benefits when gamification is used (133,135). In addition to educators gamifying simulator use, robotic platforms could further build gamification into their platforms by adding features like high score and ranking information on conclusion pages.
Dry labs and wet labs always have facilitators, but studies have also shown that trainees have more performance gains and increased satisfaction when virtual reality simulations are mentored with active feedback (42,50,110,113,185). One potential way to bridge this gap asynchronously with less time required from expert surgeons is to implement video review for simulations. One study found that trainees sharing simulation recordings with one another anonymously and then giving and receiving feedback improved performance (109). This may be because providing feedback to others required trainees to critically reflect to identify ways another can be more efficient or precise and thus likely thinking about their own movements more. Most studies of dry and wet labs are focused on procedural simulation, sometimes focusing on individual steps [e.g., vesicourethral (37,66,150,171) or pancreatojejunostomy (8) anastomosis]. However, these simulations can be more resource intensive and thus many of the studies on the topic highlighted the incorporation of dry and wet lab simulations into events such as bootcamps (45,91,112,138,162,163,165) sponsored by specialty associations such as Southeast Section of the American Urologic Association (134,165) or Thoracic Surgery Directors Association (112,138).
Assessment of trainee skill is a key part of robotic education that was not highlighted in curriculum development with diverging approaches highlighted by researchers. With the volume of data generated by robotic surgery, there has been a growth in objective performance indicators. Virtual reality simulators provide scores to help learners understand their performance (173), which have been validated by GEARS assessments. Then during operative cases with Da Vinci, surgeons are provided information on active control time and handoffs that can be reviewed by trainees and teachers, with the benefit of clarifying operative autonomy received and given (58,64,152,195,196). Now there is also growing study to evaluate the other kinematic data recorded by robotic systems (e.g., idle time, wrist articulation) to estimate expertise (112,118) and outcomes (138). Nonetheless, while researchers have shown that metrics generated by robotic platforms are consistent with expert assessments (e.g., GEARS & R-OSATS), when compared side by side, it was manual review of skills that predicted independence (64). Assessments like GEARS may thus fill a gap that is not yet replaced by automated data. GEARS was certainly the most common assessment tool, used in 35 of 81 studies on assessment. Nonetheless, questionnaires require attendings to complete forms at the end of operations or require programs to have expert surgeons review videos and provide feedback. Thus, some researchers have shown potential efficiencies with crowdsourcing. Multiple researchers found that using the Amazon Turk service could result in GEARS scores consistent with expert assessments and were completed in 1–5 days (88,149,199). Similarly, peer feedback was also shown to lead to accelerated skill acquisition (51,65). One study showed a hybrid model in which trainees reflect on which steps they completed and then may also receive categorical or open ended feedback from attendings (35).
In conclusion, curricula to teach robotic surgery to residents and fellows should include a combination of didactics, simulations, and bedside assisting. While dry and wet labs are recommended by many, these are less common given the need to have more materials available and facilitators, which may be why they were more commonly highlighted as part of society bootcamps. For virtual reality simulations, there is general agreement that they play a critical role in introducing learners to robotic surgery though the utility after proficiency scores have been met is less well understood. Lastly, there continues to be differing research on the best way to assess robotic skill. While the plethora of kinematic data is being used to delineate skill, this is not yet widely available, and some studies still point to the superiority of manual assessments.
Funding: None.
Reporting Checklist: The authors have completed the PRISMA reporting checklist. Available at
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Conflicts of Interest: All authors have completed the ICMJE uniform disclosure form (available at B.W. serves as an unpaid editorial board member of AME Surgical Journal from April 2023 to March 2025. W.M.O. is supported by the AAS/AASF Clinical Outcomes/Health Services Trainee Research Award (Program Award Number 000541250) and the Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration, Office of Academic Affiliations VA Quality Scholars Advanced Fellowship Program (Award Number 3Q022019C). The views expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position or policy of the Department of Veterans Affairs or the United States government. The other authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
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Cite this article as: Oslock WM, Jeong LD, Perim V, Hua C, Wei B. Robotic surgical education: a systematic review of strategies trainees and attendings can utilize to optimize skill development. AME Surg J 2024;4:19.